Baggallini 包 - Baggallini Crinkle Nylon Get Out of Town Bagg

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$56.40 ~ ¥377.90

Old price: $104.95 New price: $56.40
100% Crinkle Nylon
Two large ourside pockets for cell phones or camera snap closed to secure valuables
The main compartment can hold business folder, has a detachable ID holder, 8 credit card slots, 2 zipper pockets, lipstick and pen holders and key fob
Wipe with a damp cloth
Product Description
The get out of town bag is a sleek and stylish hands-free way to carry everything you need when you get out of town

已浏览: 591  |  コ搭配次数: 1  |   喜爱

使用此商品的搭配:  Baggallini Crinkle Nylon Get Out of Town Bagg (包)

Getting out of town

相同品牌的商品 : Baggallini
