Baggallini 包 - baggallini Rolling Tote Bagg 17

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$199.95 ~ ¥1,339.73

Designed to be a rolling carry-on.
Fits under the seat or in the overhead compartments.
Three separate compartments, one designed for your clothes, one for cosmetics and a center compartment for your laptop (however, this is not padded for a lpatop, paperwork or room for additional clothing.
Spacious, holds almost as much as a 22 roll aboard.
Zippered pocket on the back and a sleeve to slide the rolling tote over the handle of another suitcase.
Product Description
Baggallini's Rolling Tote Bagg will roll your essentials right to your seat.

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使用此商品的搭配:  baggallini Rolling Tote Bagg 17 (包)

Utility travel

Spring 2023
by Hazi

 428    9  

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