Levi's 裤子 - Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$10.80 ~ ¥72.36

"Slim" is the style "Regular/Husky" is the size
Product Description
Levis 511 Black Fill (Toddler/Kid)-Chinchilla For those that crave a hint of unique, the Levi's 511 Denim with Color Weft Jeans For Boys features colored cuffs to make them anything but ordinary. This modern jean not only looks great, it's comfortable too - and conveniently machine washable. This pant is machine washable, has colored cuffs, zip fly with button closure, and levi's signature spade pockets design.

网址: http://www.levistrauss.com/
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使用此商品的搭配:  Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans (裤子)

相同品牌的商品 : Levi's
