Kate Duvall 其他 - Kansas City Royals, Royals, baby bib, KC

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$8.99 ~ ¥60.24

Handmade by my young niece Kate, this baby bib is sure to please a Kansas City Royals fan. The bib is made with cotton material with the KC Logo and the Royals crown.

This is not a licensed product of the Kansas City Royals but a handcrafted item made from registered Kansas City Royals fabric. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by the Kansas City Royals.

The bib is about 9 1/2" wide and 12" long and closes with a Velcro closure at the back. The back of the has a soft white fuzzy fabric. Go Royals!
已浏览: 188  |  コ搭配次数: 1  |   喜爱

使用此商品的搭配:  Kansas City Royals, Royals, baby bib, KC (其他)

相同品牌的商品 : Kate Duvall
