Kate Duvall 其他 - Garfield, teddy bear, Odie, polka dots

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$4.99 ~ ¥33.43

This a cute stuffed teddy bear toy made by my young niece Kate.

This is not a licensed product of the Wikimedia but a handcrafted item made from registered Garfield fabric. We are not affiliated with or sponsored by the Wikimedia.

He is made of blue cotton Garfield the cat fabric. The fabric has blue and purple polka dots and "Best Friends" written on it. He has a purple heart button sewn on his right hand and iridescent button eyes and nose. He measures about 6" tall. A really cute gift!
已浏览: 232  |  コ搭配次数: 1  |   喜爱

使用此商品的搭配:  Garfield, teddy bear, Odie, polka dots (其他)

相同品牌的商品 : Kate Duvall
