JUST Cavalli 半袖衫/女式衬衫 - Just Cavalli Men's Printed Tiger

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$175.00 ~ ¥1,172.56

Printed tiger
Jersey t-shirt
Product Description
This is a short sleeve t-shirt that is a logo Just Cavalli with tiger graphic. It comes in sizes XS - xxxl. This retails for $175 and can be merchandised with any colors such as white, black and grey. The composition of this woven shirt is 100 percent cotton. It was selected in multiple colors and it is a day wear shirt.

网址: http://https://www.amazon.com
Image link
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使用此商品的搭配:  Just Cavalli Men's Printed Tiger (半袖衫/女式衬衫)

outfit 94

Spring/Summer 2022
by natalyag

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