Shayne Bohner 靴子 - Devil Skull Men's Vegan Leather Chunky B

Report 添加: 2 年之前

$56.99 ~ ¥381.85

Eco-friendly and 100% vegan leather and rubber sole on chunky boots

* Constructed a rounded toe with high-quality EVA foamed insole

* Real stitch on the outsole for style & durability with steel shank

* Soft mesh fabric and foamed lining and lace-up closure for a snug fit

* Waterproof ,anti-heat ,anti-moisture ,comfortable and fashion

* Classic and casual style that will fit with all your favorite outfits
已浏览: 100  |  コ搭配次数: 3  |   喜爱

使用此商品的搭配:  Devil Skull Men's Vegan Leather Chunky B (靴子)

相同品牌的商品 : Shayne Bohner
