Steve Madden 靴子 - Steve Madden Men's Booster Boot

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$51.18 ~ ¥342.92

Old price: $129.00 New price: $51.18
Fun and Playful Shoes by Steve Madden
Leather Upper
Rubber Traction OutSole
Metal Eyelet
Strap and Decorative Buckle At Heel
Product Description
Advance your style with the handsome Booster boot by Steve Madden. Leather upper in a casual lace-up boot style with round toe Metal eyelet Strap and decorative buckle at heel Overlay accents with stitching detail Faux shearling lining, cushioned insole Rubber traction outsole 3/4 inch heel

已浏览: 2518  |  コ搭配次数: 4  |   喜爱

使用此商品的搭配:  Steve Madden Men's Booster Boot (靴子)


by Daiscat

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