susanamy06 靴子 - Flat Boots,Giuseppe Zanotti

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$488.00 ~ ¥3,269.76

Giuseppe Zanotti Design creates boundary pushing footwear for connoisseurs of flawless construction and opulent detailing. Constructed in San Mauro Pascoli and underpinned by artisan Italian cordwaining, a Giuseppe last is guaranteed to break rules in the best possible way. These burgundy shearling and suede Fortune boots from Giuseppe Zanotti Design are a twist on traditional winter colourways. The pair feature a round toe, a gold-toned logo plaque, a hiker hook lace up detail, a lamb fur lining and a leather counter .
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使用此商品的搭配:  Flat Boots,Giuseppe Zanotti (靴子)

Raspberry 3

Autumn/Winter 2022
by Connie-

 273    4  

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