kate spade NEW YORK 手提包 - Kate Spade New York Women's Waist Bag

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$98.00 ~ ¥656.63

Technical weave
Height Height: 5in / 13cm
Width Length: 7.75in / 20cm
Depth Depth: 2.75in / 7cm
Product Description
The new way to wear this Kate Spade New York hip bag is across your body. Try it out and see its dual purpose-and indulge a little (you deserve it).

网址: http://www.katespade.com
Image link
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使用此商品的搭配:  Kate Spade New York Women's Waist Bag (手提包)

相同品牌的商品 : kate spade NEW YORK
