Beautythings 化妆品 - Mii Cosmetics Perfect Contour brush

Report 添加: 2 年之前

£24.95 ~ ¥219.96

Created especially for contouring, this beautifully balanced brush gives you the power to delicately define or seriously sculpt your look.

Gather powder onto the top of the brush and working from the outside in, sweep bronzer along under the contour of the cheekbones, then use the same technique to apply highlighter across the cheekbones. Also perfect for more advance contouring techniques.
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使用此商品的搭配:  Mii Cosmetics Perfect Contour brush (化妆品)

May 8.

Primavera/estate 2024
by Barbijoux

 324    12  

相同品牌的商品 : Beautythings
