Beautythings 化妆品 - Hair Gain GROW Capsules Gift Set

Report 添加: 2 年之前

£64.95 ~ ¥572.61

GROW by Hair Gain has been scientifically formulated to promote visibly thicker, stronger hair in just one month of use. This unique formula also helps to maintain hair vitality and shine.

By the age of 50 a quarter of all women and half of all men are affected by hair loss. But there is a solution...

GROW by Hair Gain is an exciting new product that supports thicker, fuller hair at source. It contains the exclusive AnaGain ingredient, derived from the organic pea shoot. It works by stimulating specific signalling molecules in the dermal papilla cells which are required to initiate new growth in the follicle. Pea shoots pack a nutritious punch for your hair, and along with Zinc and Biotin, give GROW by Hair Gain the perfect formula for gorgeous, healthy hair from within.
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使用此商品的搭配:  Hair Gain GROW Capsules Gift Set (化妆品)

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