Beautythings 化妆品 - Overnight Bi-Phase Facial Peel

Report 添加: 1 年之前

£36.80 ~ ¥324.43

An Exfoliating Overnight Bi-Phase Peel with Green Mandarin Essential Oils, resurfacing acids and soothing Botanical Oils to give the skin a natural glow and to help to reduce the first signs of ageing. Glycolic Acid and natural Fruit Acids work to exfoliate your skin leaving it revitalised and glowing. The skin will be smoothed and radiant. It will look less tired and the skin texture will appear refined & renewed.
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使用此商品的搭配:  Overnight Bi-Phase Facial Peel (化妆品)

相同品牌的商品 : Beautythings
