Shany Cosmetics 化妆品 - Shany 12 Color Palette, Smokey Eyes, 6-Ounce

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$16.99 ~ ¥113.84

12 Color Shimmer palette
3 Shades of White
3 Shades of Grey
3 Shades of Black and 3 shades of brown
The most usefull shades for Smokey eyes
Product Description
This is probably on of the best Master peice SHANY has come up with, colors are picked based on American living in colr adn hot weather, dark or light skin. 12 colors Shimmery colors are great to make super smokey eyes, check youtube to see the toturials. This is a great kit to make Arabic eyes. each pan is about 1 inches and should last a beauty artist 3 to 4 months with every day use. great combination of color makes this kit espactacular.

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