Rebecca Minkoff 女士无带提包 - Rebecca Minkoff Women's 3 Zip Rocker H029B01F-0051 Cross Body

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$129.99 ~ ¥870.98

Old price: $195.00 New price: $129.99
Top zipper closure
Exclusive lining
Custom hardware
Removable crossbody strap with a 24 inch drop length and a 50 inch strap length
Product Description
This sling is high on style, function and rock-inspired detail. Big enough for your cell, camera, and wallet. Small enough to slip inside your MAB. Remove the strap to take your Rocker from cross-body to clutch.

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使用此商品的搭配:  Rebecca Minkoff Women's 3 Zip Rocker H029B01F-0051 Cross Body (女士无带提包)

相同品牌的商品 : Rebecca Minkoff
