Rebecca Minkoff 女士无带提包 - Rebecca Minkoff Schoolboy Satchel

Report 添加: 14 年之前

$495.00 ~ ¥3,316.67

Handle has a drop of approximately 4" Product Description
Chic and edgy, Rebecca Minkoff's Schoolboy satchel is sure to be a new favorite. You'll adore the polished look of its rich leather--and the added personality of its punchy detailing and prettily printed lining. The key clip, central divider pocket, card slot, 1 zip and 3 slip pockets inside bring organized storage while the attachable strap offers a second carrying option.

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使用此商品的搭配:  Rebecca Minkoff Schoolboy Satchel (女士无带提包)

相同品牌的商品 : Rebecca Minkoff
