Lauren Merkin 女士无带提包 - Lauren Merkin June Clutch

Report 添加: 13 年之前

$275.00 ~ ¥1,842.59

Lambskin Plainweave lining Magnetic flap closure 6" high 9.5" wide Made in USA
Meet June. An eager to please clutch from Lauren Merkin that loves to pack a big fashion bang in a compact, sassy package. A lush lambskin exterior with plainweave lining is chic and classic for many years of posh, upscale pairings. Since 2002, Lauren Merkin has garnered a following for her exquisite handbags. Based in New York City, she uses the finest materials and design touches to deliver products that you'll cherish for seasons to come.

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使用此商品的搭配:  Lauren Merkin June Clutch (女士无带提包)

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