AK Anne Klein 其他饰品 - AK Anne Klein 25mm Reversible Smooth To Smooth Belt

Report 添加: 7 年之前

$16.84 ~ ¥112.83

25mm strap/0.9 inches
Small-31 inches long, medium=33 inches long, large-37 inches long, xlarge-40 inches long
Day to night belt
Gold hardware
Signature AK lion head buckle
Product Description
The world of Anne Klein has come to encompass women's wear, accessories, eyewear, watches, legwear and more. Her clothing does more than simply meet a woman's fashion needs; it provides women with a form of self-expression and confidence. Today Anne Klein reflects the original brand ethos, we make classics fashionable.

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使用此商品的搭配:  AK Anne Klein 25mm Reversible Smooth To Smooth Belt (其他饰品)

相同品牌的商品 : AK Anne Klein
