Cautiously Optimistic . . .

来自收藏: Autumn/Winter 2018新年, 6 年之前
by Kate O
Cautiously Optimistic . . .- 搭配
29 DEC 2018 ~ Would love to believe 2019 will be a Prosperous Year, but, all signs point to just the opposite !! The raise I will get Jan 1 will be eaten up by an increase in car Insurance, rent, food and almost everything else. Happy New Year to the one percent !!!

Have a Nice Saturday !!

评论 (9)


haikuandkysses, 6 年之前


Kate O, 6 年之前

Thanks so much !!
Niwi ~ Yep !! Not very promising !!

Niwi , 6 年之前

This is a dreadful situation. I really hope things will turn the best way possible, as you say, time will tell. Take care of you sweetie !

herasdarne, 6 年之前

Fantastiec set! Happy new year to you!

Kate O, 6 年之前

Niwi ~ I will keep an open mind and not let pessimism take over. With everything that is going on in my personal life, my Country and the World I could easily just give up !! Naw. . . I am to ornery to do that !! I want to see what #45 will do now that the blue donkeys have infiltrated his space !! So far Ms. Pelosi has told the toddler no, he can not have Billions to build a wall and he is throwing a tantrum !! He has partially shut down the Government and has said he doesn't care that people will not be paid !! He claims most of them are Democrats anyway !!! What a vindictive man/child !! My Social Security payment is safe for Jan, but if the shutdown continues past mid January then my Feb payment won't be paid. That will hurt so many Millions of Seniors, people on disability and dependent children !!
Don't know the percentage, but, it is probably high for those in the Southern States who support #45, because Welfare & Social Security is high in those states !! Just maybe if this shutdown actually affect their lives ( no money) they might wake up and dump him !! The diehards will continue to blame Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, because #45 has said it's their fault. Time will tell !! xoxo !!

Niwi , 6 年之前

optimistic or pessimistic ! Maybe this is a revealing slip ! lol

Niwi , 6 年之前

ah! I'm no more optimistic or optimistic from now, even cautiously ;-) My resolution for next year is to decide every evening if it's been a good day or not smile
I wish you a year that shows that your are right to keep reasonable hope Kate, and why not, a year which brings you unexpected satisfactions and joy smile

Kate O, 6 年之前

Michelle858 ~ Well I guess I could win the Lottery !! Oh, wait !! You have to play to win !! Darn !! Maybe a Sugar Daddy ??? LOL !!
I will survive no matter what happens !! Hugs !!

Michelle858, 6 年之前

I wish you much joy and I hope that the outlook changes for you. You never know ! Who knows what brilliant things are waiting for you around the corner in 2019 smile Yes, car insurance is a true bummer.


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