The Heat is On !!!

来自收藏: Spring/Summer 2018夏季, 7 年之前
by Kate O
The Heat is On !!!- 搭配
26 JUL 2018 ~ The temperature here in Northern California ( Sacramento) was 107 !!! Too darn Hot for me to be running around, so I stayed in and enjoyed my A/C !!
Every Summer I ask myself, " Why do I live here ? "
Oh Well !!

评论 (16)


haikuandkysses, 7 年之前


Niwi , 7 年之前

xoxo smile

Kate O, 7 年之前

Oh Dear !! I would have to get a fan !! At least the air is moving and that helps a lot !! Hang in there !! Happy Vacation !!

Kate O, 7 年之前

Thanks Hon !!
Cindy Pete

Cindy Pete , 7 年之前


Niwi , 7 年之前

No A/C no fan here, and as I'm on the ground floor I can't keep my windows open at night when it's cooler. So I'm up at 5 too, and open all that can be smile I'm insulated from the hit of the roof by the apt above me : poor of them, their place is currently an oven and they actually could be living in California ;-)) My apt is over a basement that helps to keep it as cool as possible. The side effect if that it is rather hard to warm in winter, but I prefer it this way.
I'm ok sweetie. By chance I'm on vacation and don't have to go to work or use public transports (hell on Earth), or I'm not living in the streets, another kind of hell right now.
Enjoy your weekend Kate !

Kate O, 7 年之前

Niwi ~ No A/C ?? I thought you had it !! Do you have fans ?? When it gets cool at night I have a window fan to draw the air inside. I am up at 5am and I'll run it as long as it has cool air coming in. I also have 2 ceiling fans, one in my bedroom and the other in the dining area. I usually have my thermostat at 78 and use an Oscillating floor fan when I am in the den or living room to move the air. Helps that I have insulation from the other apts. above, behind and beside me and I only get the morning sun so my place stays fairly cool until later in the day, if it isn't 107 !!
Having unusually hot or cold weather can cause some major discomfort !! The homes in the Bay area don't have A/C and when they get a freak Heat wave they suffer !! Had family that lived there for awhile !!
Hope you can keep relatively cool my sweet Friend !! I'll be just fine as long as we don't have a power outage or my A/C unit doesn't fail !! Fingers Crossed !! =)
Have a great weekend Vero !!

Niwi , 7 年之前

Ah! No A/C here, only an early wake up to open all the windows before dawn and try to get a few degrees less in the house for the day. Hit wave strucked us on Monday and stayed. It's not California of course, but I'm happy for the storm we've just got ;-)
Beautiful set Kate !

Kate O, 7 年之前

Thank You Lovely Ladies !!
Doozer ~ It's going to be cooler today !! Only 103 !! Big Whoop !! I have to go out later this morning, but its a quick errand !! Then it's A/C time !!

Doozer , 7 年之前

This is so beautiful Sweetie!! WOW, that IS super hot!! We are hovering around 90 and that's too hot here. Stay cool! XXO

dgia, 7 年之前

Just terrific,love the shorts

StyleBeginner, 7 年之前

excellent set

Kate O, 7 年之前

vespagirl ~ Thanks Hon !!

vespagirl, 7 年之前

So cute

Kate O, 7 年之前

Thanks Sweetie !!


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