Not into Pastels !

来自收藏: Spring/Summer 2020春季, 5 年之前
by Kate O
Not into Pastels ! - 搭配
12 APR 2020 ~ There are those who do not wear Pastels !! Their reasons vary from, not the right skin color/tone to they just aren't into light colors !!
Years ago I had my colors charted and was told I can wear almost any color except Ochre !! Nobody wears Ochre !! LOL !!
Enjoy today !!

评论 (10)


Kate O, 5 年之前

Thanks Vero !! I think most of us are like that to some extent !! What we see definitely has an effect on how we feel !! Used to have this Electric Blue dress that made me feel awesome !! It came in other colors, but I was drawn to the Blue !! Just something about the color !!
Hugs !!

Niwi , 5 年之前

I like every look : pastel or not. Their are just a few colors that give me some kind of unpleasant physiological reaction.
Love this set Kate ! smile
Hugs xoxo

Kate O, 5 年之前

Thanks !! peewee PV

Michelle858 ~ Good to know !!

Michelle858, 5 年之前

Hi, Kate - Yes. We are 100 % good here smile

peewee PV, 5 年之前

super cute

Kate O, 5 年之前

Thanks so much Lovely Ladies & Gents !!
Michelle858 ~ don't recall if I wore neon in the 80's !! Probably not !!
Happy Easter Michelle, hope all is well !!
HalfMoonRun ~ Thank you for the compliment, I do Love Black and Red ! Hugs !!

JelNik, 5 年之前

Beautiful and stylish!

Michelle858, 5 年之前

I remember very well the days of having one's colors done. I never did, but wish I had. They ought to bring that back. I was living in Sac when that was popular. I love all colors but for some reason never wear neon, not even in the '80s LOL ! This is such a wonderful outfit and I love black and red together heart Happy Easter, Kate ! (((Hugs)))

HalfMoonRun, 5 年之前

Great styling (you still master perfectly well the black & red) and beautifully well designed set.

BeBeauty, 5 年之前

cool smile


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