NINE WEST Kleine Taschen - Nine West Lots Of Lock Cross-Body

Report hinzugefügt:vor 14 jahrevor

$32.00 ~ 27.48€

Old price: $40.00 New price: $32.00
Flap entry
Zipper front pocket
Double snap closure with inside zipper
Interior striped lining
Removable 23 inch drop length Product Description
Nine West’s Lots of Lock bag will bring you lots of envious glances. This darling little cross-body features a shiny leather-like fabrication with a splash of patterned quilting and silver hardware. The cross-body strap can be removed for wristlet wear or clutching, too.

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Kombinationen mit  Nine West Lots Of Lock Cross-Body (Kleine Taschen)

day and night sets

by Azrych
von azrych

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