Mischief on Rodentia Mountain . .

kollektion Autumn/Winter 2018Kunst, vor 6 jahrevor
von Kate O
Mischief on Rodentia Mountain . . - Modekombination
06 DEC 2018 ~ The Cowabunga Boys aka Murphy Boys are at it again !! No Matter what season they have a knack of getting into to trouble, but, Christmas is the worst !! They go Bonkers with all the bright lights, ornaments & gifts under the tree !

For Vero who Loves the Cowabunga Boy as much as I do !! xoxo

Kommentare (16)



haikuandkysses, vor 6 jahrevor


Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks Bunches !!

neverorever , vor 6 jahrevor


Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Niwi ~ Hugs !!

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

You are so right sweetie. We have to do with what we've got, that's life smile
Happy Saturday to you Kate! xoxo

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

I am Thankful you found TM and I appreciate that I can continue to create sets, however, there are just somethings PV had that TM doesn't !! I will keep on creating sets and occasionally yearn for PV, but things change in life and this is one of them !! Yes, PV was our "home" !! Mine for 7 years and you for over 10 years !! That is a long time and my Family & non PV Friends could not understand how much I loved PV. Only when they saw what we created did they begin to understand how I felt !! Yes, I shared your sets also, because your Art Sets are so Wonderful and Creative !! I miss PV, but, we can't go home again, so we need to make the best of what is offered here on TM !!

Happy Saturday Vero !! Thanks for the pep Talk !! xoxo

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

It always is Kate, PV was our "home" and we celebrated so many holydays there smile

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks so much !! I really miss PV when it comes to all the Fantastic Contest we had !! Rodentia Mountain was my Favorite !! I Loved those little critters !!
Bev Martin

Bev Martin, vor 6 jahrevor

Beautifully done!

collagette, vor 6 jahrevor

So cute! Been missing the Rodentia Mountain fun =D

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thank You One and All !!
HalfMoonRun ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Thank You for the nice comment & compliment!

@Niwi ~ hee,hee !! Those Cowabunga Boys know how to have fun !! The Bunny is definitely stunned and probably wishes he could be as carefree !!
Hugs Sweet Friend !! I thought a little remembrance from PV was in order !! =D

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

Oh! Fabulous ! The rabbit looks stunned lol! I actualy do love them! They always are having fun and as you say, whatever the season smile This is a beautiful set sweetie, the little tree is very cute! thank you so much ! ♥

beautifulplace, vor 6 jahrevor

Absolutely beautiful ❤️

audionfashion , vor 6 jahrevor


HalfMoonRun, vor 6 jahrevor

Adorable, both your set and the story that comes with.
Kate O , you are a very talented storyteller ♥

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