Not my Thing !!!

kollektion Autumn/Winter 2018Herbst, vor 6 jahrevor
von Kate O
Not my Thing !!! - Modekombination
23 NOV 2018 ~ Never shopped on Black Friday !!
I stay away from the Stores and the Crazies !!
Today "Black Friday" is PJ Day !! After all the Preparation, Presentation and clean up from our Dinner, I am exhausted !!

Kommentare (10)


Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, vor 6 jahrevor


Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

The weekend is fine sweetie thank you. Hope yours is too! smile

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks Sweet Friends !!
beautifulplace ~ Almost everything that is deeply discounted is something I don't need or want, so I just don't bother !! Hugs & have a great Day !!
Niwi ~ Leave it to American Companies to infect other countries with their greed !! Americans, especially have gotten so materialistic that it is embarrassing.
Sorry, but do you really need a 50 inch Flat Screen TV in every room or the newest model of the Lexus or BMW because your neighbor bought one a month ago ??
Keeping up with the Jones has become the norm here and it isn't a good thing !!
Haven't had any advertisers on my Cell, just the internet and I delete them immediately !! Next up is Cyber-Monday and hopefully all the pushy advertisements will decrease after that !! My poor sister-in-law dreads the Holiday season because of all the catalogs that are mailed out and the increase in packages & cards !! Thankfully, FedEx & UPS helps take the pressure off, but, people still use the post office for shipping. Anyway, hope your weekend is a good one !! I think Meesu would love a fireplace !! xoxoxo !!

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

Beautiful, Meesu approved... ;-)
This year Black Friday has crossed the pound and invaded all our medias. I even got many promoting messages on my mobile, I find it very aggresive. Not my thing eather...

beautifulplace, vor 6 jahrevor

Superb my dear! heart My black friday was similar!

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks my Sweet Friends !!

Nanni33, vor 6 jahrevor


Michelle858, vor 6 jahrevor

I agree with you ! Cute set ! smile

Doozer , vor 6 jahrevor

Me too!! Great set Sweetie!! XXO

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