
kollektion Discovering TrendMe , vor 7 jahrevor
von Niwi
Welcome- Modekombination
Kommentare (17)



haikuandkysses, vor 7 jahrevor

Great 1st Set!

heartsongs , vor 7 jahrevor

beautiful! so good to see you my friend smile haven't figured out how to make things work yet, but hopefully this week end have some time!

Pam , vor 7 jahrevor

Great job, Vero!! I wish I had more time to create, but then again, it's probably better this way: create as much as I can at work, comment & fave inn the evening at home!!

Sammy Basic, vor 7 jahrevor


Incogneato, vor 7 jahrevor

I love this, Vero.

collagette, vor 7 jahrevor

Very beautiful =D

carola-corana, vor 7 jahrevor


lastchance , vor 7 jahrevor

Beautiful darlin' ;D

Ellen-Hilart , vor 7 jahrevor

Beautiful, beautifel set Vero. You're off to a great start!!

br0k3n, vor 7 jahrevor

Found you at last my friend! This new polyvore wouldn't be the same without your art sets smile

dmiri, vor 7 jahrevor

Great art!

Niwi , vor 7 jahrevor

Thank you ladies, and happy to meet you again !
Ette I'm so happy de t'avoir retrouvée !
Hey Kate! Have fun with little kit ;-)

Anseva, vor 7 jahrevor

So beautiful my dear!!!!Nice to see you here!!!

delobo, vor 7 jahrevor

love it!

Suburbhater , vor 7 jahrevor

Oh you are off to a good start with this! Gorgeous set Niwi and so happy to find you here. Now if we can just figure out how to save items here to our own items!

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Grafische Elemente  (6)

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