Are You Urban Chic ??

kollektion Spring/Summer 2019Stadt, vor 6 jahrevor
von Kate O
Are You Urban Chic ??- Modekombination
27 APR 2019 ~ There is something unique about the people who live & work in cities like New York or Chicago. It is like they are a whole breed unto themselves, so busy, so driven and so very fashionable. They stand out to us Tourist as we do to them. If you like people watching, try a Big City !!

Kommentare (13)


haikuandkysses, vor 6 jahrevor


Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thanks my Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, vor 6 jahrevor

Chic and very feminine ☆

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

As are You Vero !! Hugs !!

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

You are a wise lady smile

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Niwi ~ At this point in my life, IF I feel good about what I am wearing and how I look then I don't care what someone else may think. We are definitely on the same page my Friend !! When I worked, yes I was very conscious of my wardrobe, but, it quickly became apparent that there would always be someone who was better dressed, drove a better car and live in a better house. On the surface they seemed to have it all, but, just like me they had their someone else, with better clothes, cars and houses. That's when I quit trying to "Keep up with the Jones's " and be thankful for what I had and now have !! I still think about the finer things, but, every day I am made aware of the millions of people worldwide who have far less and I look around and see a nice home with nice furniture, I drive a decent car, have food in the refrigerator & pantry and enough money to live a comfortable life. How could I not be grateful for that ??

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

I know it would never be in a mean way with you Kate. I've been guilty too when I was a youngster enjoying window shopping and lovely new clothes. It took me a few years and maturity to decide I didn't care about what people may think about me ;D Kate O
Thank you dgia ;D

Kate O, vor 6 jahrevor

Thank You Lovely Ladies of trendMe !!
Niwi ~ Having worked in Paris, one of the great Fashion Capitols of the world you certainly would have a feel for the atmosphere & attitudes of fellow workers in regards to Style & Fashion. Yes, Vero I know exactly what you mean and I have been guilty of judging others by the way they dress, though not in a mean way. smile
Hugs & Thanks Vero !!

neverorever , vor 6 jahrevor


dgia, vor 6 jahrevor

Love cities!!Perfect set smile!!
Niwi Totally agree!

Niwi , vor 6 jahrevor

May be this is because they are so busy running everywhere that they don't have time to build relationships with other people. So they have to wear what the want others to think about them... Fashion is a code in big cities, it is their language to make others like them. Or not. At first sight. You know... this one is cool, this one is badly dressed, cheap look... Not sure this is clear lol! But I'm sure you get what I have in mind smile
Fantastic set anyway Kate. Hugs! xoxo

beautifulplace, vor 6 jahrevor

Wonderful set, dear!

Incogneato, vor 6 jahrevor

Love the anonymity in a city. Fab look!

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