
  • Is anyone else having problems? When I publish a set it's not showing up on feed or profile... I try again and it says can't edit until 24 hours. Also I edit some sets but when I go to...

    Topic created: 3 weeks ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Please @webmaster do spmething for us to can see the Newslwtter of the week. There is lo link and no way to see it,is not correct!

    Topic created: 4 weeks ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Just wanted to know how long it takes to get sets approved. I post public and the two sets I made yesterday 11 hours and 8 hours ago are not public yet.
    Now 14 & 17 hours still not approved:(

    Topic created: 1 month ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Just wondering why most of my sets recently made are not showing on feed ? Something wrong with system? @trendme please help. I tried email but that didn’t work. Not sure what’s going on. Thanks

    Topic created: 1 month ago. Answer count: 0.


    Topic created: 2 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Someone has problem with making sets? My pictures get expanded when I want to make a set. It does not happens till now.
    Tags: Set,Problem.

    Topic created: 2 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • GAME CRASHED @ times in the last 2 days on me and is running really slow on my end for some reason- Will try later .

    Topic created: 2 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Who thinks it's okay to wear white after Labor Day ?

    Also, I was gone from here for 9 months and now back but haven't seen Kate G West. I attempted to PM her but her name did not come...

    Topic created: 4 months ago. Answer count: 2.

  • Why if I edit a set the set remain the same like before I edit??I
    Tags: Edit set.

    Topic created: 8 months ago. Answer count: 1.

  • title kinda gives it away
    Tags: Broadway, musical, musicals, musical theater, musical theatre, theater, theatre.

    Topic created: 8 months ago. Answer count: 1.

  • I'm getting very slow moving speed when designing- so I design on another site and add it to this one. This has been an on going problem. Thank you for reading.

    Topic created: 9 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • I am concerned with lately the site seems to be less and less members designing. Do you think new challenges would help ?

    Topic created: 9 months ago. Answer count: 1.

  • Hey Team! More than four days without approving my sets. What's going on?
    Why don't I have an answer about my deleted set?

    Topic created: 11 months ago. Answer count: 2.

  • Game is timing out on me after completing a set and will not save it - It freezes.

    Topic created: 12 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Are we going to have any more contests? If not . How do we create one ??

    Topic created: 12 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Why has it been taking a couple of days for my set to get approved? I don't remember it taking this long.

    Topic created: 12 months ago. Answer count: 0.

  • I really worry. I need to know the reason why my set was removed. Thanks. Almadiana

    Topic created: 12 months ago. Answer count: 0.


    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 0.

  • Hi. I wonder if we could have contests/challenges initiated by the members. This idea is to take the work load off the administrators, at least that is the intention, and to give more avenues for...
    Tags: creation of contests by members.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 1.

  • Dear Team:
    I made the mistake of posting my sets to "friends". I didn't know I had to wait for them to be approved by you, for them to be "Public". Just yesterday someone...

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 0.

  • y are their never any art themed contest and/or hardly any home decor inspired ones either ?? was surprised 2 see that 4 Christmas especially their are not any of either.
    Tags: contests, art, home decore.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 0.

  • I don't know what I'm doing wrong. For example, I have a collection of pants. Sometimes I can see them and other times I can't. And, if I'm using only items I bring in, I cannot...
    Tags: trouble accessing categories.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 1.

  • I can't get to any category other than mine once I choose anything in any of my categories. Also, I can't access my Favorites.
    Please, please help me. I cannot understand what I'm...

    Tags: trouble accessing categories.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 0.

  • How do I ask someone to be a friend?
    Tags: friends.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 1.

  • How do I ask someone to be a friend?
    Tags: friends.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 1.

  • im surprised their isnt a halloween themed contest for both fashion n art sets ,
    Tags: halloween , contest .

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 0.

  • What is happening with this site? Its so slow, and no its not my devices that are slow! Adding items is running badly, opening other peoples profiles or things in my are lasting forever. Does...

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 5.

  • I really need help and I've consulted the help page but cannot follow the instructions on how to bring in a set because something that supposed to be next to my name/avatar isn't there....

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 1.

  • Hi everyone. I'm new to TrendMe and have yet to figure out how to bring in items from another site or my laptop.
    I also don't know how to respond to the kind comments people make on my...

    Tags: import items, respond, help.

    Topic created: 1 years ago. Answer count: 2.

  • This is really annoying. I love creating sets, I make pretty good sets, but they are never approved on time. They get approved hours and hours later, they are not visible to many people. Even 24...

    Topic created: 2 years ago. Answer count: 9.

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