Time For New Memories

collection Art 2018Art, 7 years ago
by lastchance
Time For New Memories- Fashion set
Looking forward to making new memories. So happy to see many poly friends here.. some missing. It's taking some time to adjust and disappointed my collections, items made for me and items made for everyone to use I no longer have. It's challenging in making art sets here. Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday and week to come xx

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Comments (23)



Ewa Naukowicz, 5 years ago


neverorever , 6 years ago


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Tracy Shaw, 7 years ago

WOW! It didn't take you any time at all to create BEAUTIFUL sets again.

br0k3n, 7 years ago

Your sets look the same as your polyvore sets if I remember correctly - this is amazing!

heartsongs , 7 years ago

Wonderful and energetic!

Susan Wronka, 7 years ago

This is beautiful!!! "ditto" on your description!!!! You do such awesome work!!!

SweetJollyLooks, 7 years ago

Omg this is super cute!

pwhiteaurora, 7 years ago

Wonderful set & description! I totally "ditto" your sentiments smile


I agree with Niwi all your sets are fantastic they were in poly and they are here on Trendme...quite abit more harder to do art on here the space is so small to create on i wonder if they are working on enlarging it at all and i hope they come up with a clipper soon. Love your sets don't get discouraged

Beverly , 7 years ago

This is wonderful. You did a fabulous job on this. I know it is hard to do the art sets. I have not done any of those at all. The fashion sets are a little time consuming. Write soon! Hugs xx

Incogneato, 7 years ago

Exquisite. I have been uploading doll parts. I'll try to upload more items ... I need a bulk uploader. Hope the wedding was fun and that you have a great week! xoxo

Lisa , 7 years ago

So cute!!

vespagirl, 7 years ago

This is fantastic! I love it!

dianefantasy , 7 years ago


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