First Snow, for Anna

collection ARTArt, 6 years ago
by Niwi
First Snow, for Anna- Fashion set
Mercredi 23 janvier 2019.
For my dear "old" friend Anna, happy belated birthday ♥

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Comments (14)


Niwi , 6 years ago

Merci Ette ! Que ça fait plaisir de te voir ;-)

Etteniotna, 6 years ago


haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Niwi , 6 years ago

Hello Kathy,
It took all of us by surprise and it's almost a year ago now. There are no group here on tM like those we had on PV but you should visit There are many groups and PV members over there, maybe you could find a group and the members you are looking for.
Etteniotna has a account here, she rarely logs in. But I'm sure she's been thinking about Grace, she always did.

sarah115sb, 6 years ago

Is etteniotna still around? what about wolfsongstar and Niki? Di you know how to get ahold of them now?

sarah115sb, 6 years ago

Niwi, I used to know you from Polyvore. I am devastated that Poly is gone :( :( Is there any new site that has an adult survives of Abuse group? One where you can make sets again that are art and survivor sets Not fashion? I have lost all my Poly friends !!!! I didn't know it was going away until it was GONE !!! So I couldn't get other contact info. from them. I was thinking of Grace today and then all my dear friends. Kathy kimbsn1975@yahoo

sandra , 6 years ago


Niwi , 6 years ago


HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

J'aime tellement cette illustration et vous y avez fait de si beaux ajouts. J'AIME. - I like this illustration so much and you have made such beautiful additions. I LOVE. ☆

Kate O, 6 years ago

LOL !! You didn't tell me it had snowed !!! I bet it is beautiful !! I love it when I can see Ms. Moon in the mornings as well as at night !!
Enjoy the snow, but be careful !! xoxo !!

Doozer , 6 years ago

This is so precious Sweetie!! XXO

Niwi , 6 years ago

Oops... I'm always forgetting the tags ! Kate O

Niwi , 6 years ago

Ms Moon was right there into the kitchen when I woke up this morning ! I open the window to say Hello to you, she was bright light, glowing on the snowy ground smile

Kate O, 6 years ago

Aww, Vero ! This is so adorable !! I am sure Anna will Love her belated birthday set !!

Said hello to Ms. Moon this morning !! I had an early appointment and she was Big & Beautiful just hanging there in the clear sky !! Hugs !!

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