
collection ArteArt, 13 years ago
by Performance Maria de Fatima
Parfum- Fashion set
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Comments (12)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Olá querida Varromanos, obrigada, beijocas.

varromanos, 13 years ago


Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Dear Sandra, thank you for your lovely visit, excuse the delay in thanking the time is short, I want to be here more often. Affectionate hug.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Nastja dear, obrigad apels kind visits and comments. kisses.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Hello dear Maca, thank you, just that I think is wrong is not perfume ... something of beauty, but I saw only after you have edited. kisses.

maca1974, 13 years ago advertisements for perfume smile

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

hello, dear Sanja, thank you, kiss.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

dear friend Ladydy, thank you, kisses.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Dear friend Androfina, thank you kisses.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Madlen, Hvala dragi prijatelju, volim osvježavanje oglase, jer volim miris, koji se ne sviđa, poljupci.

madlen2931, 13 years ago

odlično,kao iz reklame

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