Almost Autumn . . .

collection Autumn/Winter 2018Autumn, 7 years ago
by Kate O
Almost Autumn . . .- Fashion set
09 SEP 2018 ~ the turning of the leaves and briskness of the air tells me Autumn is almost here !
Every day that passes brings Autumn to my doorstep and for that I can hardly wait !!
Hope your Weekend was Wonderful !!

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Comments (15)


Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Kate O, 7 years ago

Hugs & Thanks Vero !! I need all the positive thoughts, wishes & prayers !!

Niwi , 7 years ago

I'm crossing my fingers sweetie ! You need your car !
((hugs)) ♥

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thanks Sweetie !!

Kate O, 7 years ago

Niwi ~ Sorry to hear your Work Monday was madness !! My Monday turned out Madness also !! On my way to the Doctors, my Coolant light came on & started to beep continually !! After the appt. I took it to the shop & they topped off the coolants, but, it started again just when I was in the turn lane into my complex !! I couldn't move, my power steering froze and then the engine died !! Thankfully I got it started again and into my stall !! I am having it towed because I can't safely drive it. Not sure what this will cost me, but, I need a car !! Thankfully Rachel is available today , so she will come get me at the shop and bring me back home.
Just got a call that my tow should be here in about 10 minutes !!
Wish me Luck !!

Niwi , 7 years ago

We can feel it's very close now. Awesome set Kate, very arty and graphic.
The weekend was nice and quiet. Day at work was madness, at some point in the afternoon, I couldn't remember if it was Monday or Tuesday. Juliet is about to leave for a 5 day trip to Prague, which means I'll have a watch on Chatoune each day. She stays at home, we think it is the best for her for such a short period smile
I remember your appointment tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you !

Doozer , 7 years ago

This is so beautiful Sweetie!! XXO

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thank You my Sweet Friends !!
Bev Martin
Aida Susi Silva

HalfMoonRun, 7 years ago

Beautiful classic styling, very pretty and creative set ♥

beautifulplace, 7 years ago

Wonderful dear! I can't wait for autumn... heart

Nanni33, 7 years ago


beleev , 7 years ago

Super Creative ❤️

Bev Martin, 7 years ago


Aida Susi Silva, 7 years ago


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