No other words needed !!

collection Autumn/Winter 2018Art, 6 years ago
by Kate O
No other words needed !! - Fashion set
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Comments (9)


haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Etteniotna, 6 years ago

I haven't given up, I am just not in the set making mood anymore but I don't want to disappear and abandon my lovely old friends! xxx

Kate O, 6 years ago

Etteniotna ~ was wondering if you had given up on tM !! I miss seeing your beautiful Art Sets !! Thanks for the comment !!

Etteniotna, 6 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks my Supportive Friends !!
Pam ~ Meesu would have to take the 5th !! Every time I see his image I have something to say or a gesture to do. He disgusts me that much !!
Niwi ~ Yep !! I would do more, but, I don't want to rock the boat too much !!

Pam , 6 years ago

Oh, Kate! I vent daily in some form or another!!! Usually on twitter but if the cats & dogs could talk, they could testify to my ranting!!! lol

Niwi , 6 years ago

This is very clear !

Kate O, 6 years ago

Pam ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Sometimes I just need to vent and #45's temper tantrum did it for me !!

Pam , 6 years ago


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