Urban Winter

collection Autumn/Winter 2018Winter, 6 years ago
by Kate O
Urban Winter - Fashion set
27 DEC 2018 ~ I have worked in a City, but, never lived in a City !! Guess I am a true Suburbanite !!

Enjoy what's left of December 2018 !!

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Comments (18)



haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Niwi , 6 years ago

It probably helped me to bear it too ;-)

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks !!

beautifulplace, 6 years ago

Beautiful combo and colors, dear!

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ Rachel lasted 15 years with AT&T before she resigned to have Ava. I lasted 31 years and was miserable for 29 years. The Analyst job was the only one I semi-enjoyed. I was technically my own boss !!
I have often wondered how I survived all the in house political crap, threats of losing our jobs if we didn't make their quota etc... if the pay had not been good along with the Medical, Dental & Vision Benefits I probably would have left sooner.

Have a Wonderful get together with Juliet and son tonight !! Nice to hear you will be with family on NYE !! It will be me & Meesu !!!
xoxo !! Kate

Kate O, 6 years ago

No Michelle you and I are not the only ones who think it's smart to live close to work !! Never had to drive as part of my job, but, occasionally had to go to San Leandro when Headquarters was there.
Not sure when was the last time you were here, but, downtown & mid-town has had a revitalization with new condos and converting the old homes into apts.
for people who want to walk or take a short metro ride to work. Unfortunately, the prices for the condos are extremely high and the rentals have increased as well. That pretty much excludes the average worker so we are still in the Suburbs !!
Been to Placerville too many times to count and you haven't missed anything by not going to Oroville !! LOL !! Not sure how it's surviving because there is no longer any major industry there, just the Dam for the boaters !!
Wishing You a Wonderful New Year !! Be safe if you are partying on NYE !!
Hugs, Kate

Michelle858, 6 years ago

Kate O
Well, it is reassuring that I am not the only one who believes that it is overall smart to work within 10 miles of where one lives smile I was never in Oroville, but was to Placerville one Thanksgiving and went "to the snow".It was cool to see snow and it wasn't cold smile I used to have to drive around so much as a social service case manager to client's apts., conferences, looking for housing for the homeless, going to hospitals, etc. I am glad the wear and tear on the car is over. Happy New Year to you and @Niwi smile

Niwi , 6 years ago

I remember when my job moved from Evry (15 mins drive from here) to Eastern surburb, they offered me a financial help to move over there too. I refused to move, I did not want to leave my wonderful place here, my little town by the forest, my family and friends, to settle down in a "new town", not being sure that I could get fired the next year or the year after. I tried to drive but with the traffic it took me as long as with the public transports, and my poor car suffered, and had to feel her tank too often. I held on 15 years before I get fired, almost relieved about it. 15 hours per week just commuting... when I look back at it, I wonder how I could bear it so long smile
I'm off to join Juliet and her son in a down town restaurant. He is living in the south and is staying here until the 2nd January. It seems we are going to have a N.Y's eve all together at Pat & Sophie's house. Luc will join at the restaurant this evening, but will spend NY Eve with his 2 bro's with friends.
Happy weekend sweetie !

Kate O, 6 years ago

Oh my Vero !! I didn't realize how far you had to travel to work !! I just assumed you worked in Paris a few years back !! Having to take 2 trains to and from work sounds long and tiring !! I almost accepted a promotion in San Leandro ( across the bay from SF) but, I could not justify the pay raise with the cost to commute 90 plus minutes each way and the toll it would take on me & Rachel. There was no way I could afford to live there, so I decided it was not worth it. Glad I didn't take the job because less than a year later it was moved to Texas and if you wanted to keep the job you moved also. Used to be AT&T would help management find another job, but, that stopped a few years earlier. There were a lot of Managers beating the bushes to find another job here in Sac. I ran into a friend that had been promoted, moved to San Leandro area and was now looking for a job because her department moved to Texas !! It was a very difficult time for anyone employed with AT&T because SBC bought the company and Texas was now the Headquarters and they could move Departments/Jobs at any time !! Rachels job moved to Texas about 6 months after Ava was born. That would have been the pits, her there and me here or vice versa !! Happy Friday Sweetie and the last weekend of 2018 !!!

Niwi , 6 years ago

I used to work in Paris when I was young, before Luc. But I couldn't really enjoy it. These last years, I had to commute through Paris to go to work. It was located in eastern suburb (not very far from Disneyland Paris which is not at all in Paris but into the new town of Marne-la-Vallée. No choice with the public transport, I had to go to Paris from my southern suburb then change and go East with another train. I couldn't see anything from Paris as the whole parisian part of the travel is underground... I really don't miss it, I'm so happy now to be able to work in my little town smile

Kate O, 6 years ago

Oroville is only 90 miles from Sac and that is my birth town !! As a kid Sac was a large city only because we never went to S.F. or L.A. My Dad was in the lumber business so we lived closer to his job which included living in Berry's Lumber Co. off of Highway 88 just before Kit Carson. Our move to South Sac was a major change for all of us. No longer could we run free and my Dad was never really happy living in the Suburbs with neighbors all around us. He did it because he wanted a better life for his Family. The American Dream !!

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Hon !!

Nanni33, 6 years ago

❤*❤*❤ so wonderful

Michelle858, 6 years ago

Kate O
Sac was much larger than my birth town. I spent a lot of time (didn't live there) in NYC when I was a kid. Later on, I lived in both Hollywood (after Sac) and NYC and found it easier to live in NYC, although living in L.A. was fun...I will take suburbia now, though. L.A. always reminded me of a suburb, though LOL. heart

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ Yes !! I remember you telling me you commuted in to Paris !! While the idea of working in such a Famous city is the dreams of many, like you, the long commute would wear me down quickly !! As for living there, it would be on the streets because I couldn't afford the rent I am sure !! =D

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