Love & Kisses

collection Autumn/Winter 2019 , 6 years ago
by beleev
Love & Kisses- Fashion set
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Comments (8)


neverorever , 6 years ago


beleev , 6 years ago

lastchance Thank-You Dear so Much !!! xoxo heart

lastchance , 6 years ago

Lovely darlin' :D xx

beleev , 6 years ago

Thank-You Beautiful Dears so Much.....Incogneato , @Mars Closet, Jillian Stefan elenaviola !!! xoxox heart

Yes....Dear @Jillian Stefan, I do remember your Wonderfully Created Sets on Polyvore. I miss Polyvore so much, but I am so happy, that we can find our ex-Polyvores on trendMe !!!! xoxo

elenaviola, 6 years ago

So charming and feminine! Just for the love V holiday!

Jillian Stefan , 6 years ago

Hi beeleev, I think I followed you on polyvore a while back!

Mars Closet , 6 years ago

i LOVE this set! sets the mood for valentines day nicely. heart

Incogneato, 6 years ago

Love and kisses to you ... this is delightful! ❤️

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