
collection Autumn/Winter 2020Love, 4 years ago
by Enchanticals
Throw-Aways- Fashion set
This is a simple set with few elements, but it carries a BIG message. Too many people discard animals as if they were worth things to be rid of. I am a non-violent animal rights activist and am so disgusted by this behavior. Those who know how animals, like people have the same feelings and emotions, are smart, clever, funny, and love need to stand up and stand together to stop the abuse and abandonment of all animals. We cannot exist on this planet without them.

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Comments (12)


Enchanticals , 4 years ago

I love you all. You have wonderful hearts. The same is for kitties. People move and leave them behind. They regard their cars and sofas more. There is a justice for these people and it will be harsh and for eternity!
My sister and I have a Save the Kitty Railroad. We catch stray kitties and get them to the vet; then find home through our network. We do the same for pups. My sister saved a little bunny!
#justmetwo, #Renita, #Michelle8585, #KateGWest (My sister's name is Kate West {West is her maiden name, which she kept when she got married}, #BeBeauty, #sandra, #beautifulplace, #Eve Chasioti, #Helenelle,

justmetwo, 4 years ago

Adorable & sad.I certainly agree with every word ♥

Renita , 4 years ago

You are so right! This set made me sad because even though this is art it happens in real life far too often. Dogs are so helpless and no matter how badly they are treated they continue to trust and love. Thank you for this set and this reminder that we need to stand against animal cruelty.

Michelle858, 4 years ago

I agree with BeBeauty I would love to have those pups . A very sensitive and thoughtful set, dear Enchanticals heart heart heart

KateGWest, 4 years ago

This should be a top set ... xok

BeBeauty, 4 years ago

You raised a very important issue. I love animals and I can't imagine how people can treat them as objects or toys, unfortunately there are people who buy an animal as a gift for Christmas, and after Christmas it turns out that a missed live gift is abandoned without scruples. It is sad, but the problem should be publicized, especially in the period before Christmas.

sandra , 4 years ago


beautifulplace, 4 years ago

so adorable and sad at the same time ♥

Eva Chasioti, 4 years ago

I share the same feelings dearest! May respect and love prevail for all animals and Nature.

Helenelle, 4 years ago

So lovely❤️

Enchanticals , 4 years ago

Thank you! #lemo

lemo, 4 years ago

wow so niceheartheartheart

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