Checkmate from Diva !

collection Don"t mess with me !Girls Night Out, 13 years ago
by Hena
Checkmate from Diva !- Fashion set
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Comments (8)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


heartafloat, 13 years ago

wonderful set and design♥♥

Hena, 13 years ago

hvala cure...i meni se dopao svaki pojedini artikal, cipele su mi bile fantastične...ovo je nešto šta bi rado nosila!

Erissa, 13 years ago

So cool and hot♥Especially I love T-shirtsmile

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

My friend is fashionable, like!

maca1974, 13 years ago

wow...fantastično...divota od artikala...baš su cool i otkavečni...super street style..sandale su genijalne...odlična majica smile

petra pavlic, 13 years ago

odličan !!

madlen2931, 13 years ago

baš je kul set,odlično probrani artikli,super lok,odlične sandale i vrh majica heart

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