The Secret Garden

collection Fantasy RealmFantasy, 14 years ago
by Marisol Espaillat
The Secret Garden- Fashion set
If you ever come across my garden, look for the green lights, they will lead you to the doorway at the end of the endless passage of magical mushrooms and roses, but remember only those with a pure heart may eat the fruits that abound; for if your heart is not pure, you will fall pray to the sleep everlasting. Beware the garden!!!

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Comments (14)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you all for liking my set

Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you

carola-corana, 14 years ago


Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Francesca, I am pleasantly surprised to note that you can capture the feelings that I am trying to portray. Thank you

francesca silli, 14 years ago

a sensation of peace, magic....very nice!

Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you so much Di

Lady Di ♕ , 14 years ago

so lovely, wonderful garden heart

Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you very much Mirjana

Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you so much Becca ♥♥

Mirjana Maćaš, 14 years ago

beautiful heart

Becca Xyz, 14 years ago

Your garden is beautiful, just like in the attached text! Magnificent heart heart

Marisol Espaillat, 14 years ago

Thank you Monika

Monika , 14 years ago


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