Blue Daisy

collection FASHION , 7 years ago
by Niwi
Blue Daisy- Fashion set
Dear PV refugees,
let's be patient and give time to TrendMe team. They are working very hard to improve and implement tools. They didn't expect so many new members with PV platform background suddenly rush to them the way we did :) There are some tools here that we never got the chance to use before, as the coloring tool ("Colors" above the creating area"), and a few others.
We should stop comparing and be thankful we've got this site to get all together.

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Comments (14)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Niwi , 7 years ago

I'm not sure Lacas, I don't remember you I'm very sorry. I was Niwi there too. They were so many of us smile

Lacas, 7 years ago

beautiful dedication dear! and I lve your sets!
do we know each other from the PV?

Niwi , 7 years ago

I made a very few of them on PV Joyce, I'll try to make some more here, because I'm so thankful for all what is done for us here smile

Incogneato, 7 years ago

Yes, I agree with you. I haven't even tried some of the tools. Have I ever seen a fashion set from you? You have been holding out on us! LOL xoxo

br0k3n, 7 years ago

Your first fashion set here!! Looks amazing smile

Suburbhater , 7 years ago

I agree with you completely. I am enjoying the new things and treasuring the old. I like how I can move an item to the edge of the screen and only use part in the set without having to cut out the whole thing.

Xiandrina - Niwi and I and several others are importing our Polyvore items every day a few at a time. You can easily bring in any that you had on your computer.

Xiandrina , 7 years ago

Beautiful! Just wished we had the ability to import our items from PV too... But props to trendMe, they are doing a great job!

Qiou, 7 years ago

love this!

Kate O, 7 years ago

Oh My !!! Vero this is Wonderful !! Your very first Fashion Set on TrendMe !! Yay !!
I agree that we need to be patient and be thankful we have a platform to create and express ourselves !! That's why I am hanging in here !! I was concerned that the influx of so many PV refugees might bring the system & site down, but so far their are hanging in here too! !!
Still get frustrated that it takes so long to find items, etc... But Hey !! =)

JecaKNS, 7 years ago


Etteniotna, 7 years ago

You are absolutely right, beautiful sets here already, and yes, the colour thing is great!

Zanet, 7 years ago


Marina Dusanic, 7 years ago


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