That moment....

collection Frühling/Sommer 2019Everyday, 5 years ago
by Gianoula
That moment....- Fashion set
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Comments (8)


Gianoula , 5 years ago

:-D Thank you so much, was funny to create this one

BeBeauty , beautifulplace , lemo , dgia , JelNik

beautifulplace, 5 years ago


BeBeauty, 5 years ago

good job smile

JelNik, 5 years ago

smile !!!!

lemo, 5 years ago

ha,ha,sooo lustik

dgia, 5 years ago

Lol,this is a problem,sometimes!!!!
Love the cute gog who looks soo calm in all this mess!

Gianoula , 5 years ago

Michelle858 That's me five a week, thanx (✿ ♥‿♥)

Michelle858, 5 years ago

You've nailed it ! Great set !

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