Why Fit In...............................

collection JumpsuitsBlack and White, 6 years ago
by jacksondobe
Why Fit In...............................- Fashion set
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Comments (9)



haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


jacksondobe, 6 years ago

Incogneato Probably so! I really miss Polyvore. It's good to have other options!

Incogneato, 6 years ago

Well then, we surely crossed paths ... admittedly I rarely did fashion sets. I also was not on as frequently during the last 2 years.

jacksondobe, 6 years ago

Incogneato Yes!! I was on since 2013!

Incogneato, 6 years ago

jacksondobe Were you on Polyvore before it shut down (just wondering if we crossed paths!?)

jacksondobe, 6 years ago

Incogneato Thank you very much! You're very welcome! I appreciate your comments as well! smile

Incogneato, 6 years ago

So true - great look! Thank you for the likes and comments on my sets. I really appreciate it! ❤️

jacksondobe, 6 years ago

Michelle858 Thank you very much!!

Michelle858, 6 years ago

This is fabulous. Yes, we must all celebrate our unique style smile

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