Time to move on with new creations in the new year

collection Maca special editionElegant, 12 years ago
by maca1974
Time to move on with new creations in the new year- Fashion set
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Comments (10)



haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


maca1974, 12 years ago

hvala draga smile

Lady Di ♕ , 12 years ago

Predivna elegancija!

maca1974, 12 years ago

za posao u novoj smile)

svijetlana, 12 years ago

predivan elegantni look....siva i plava su smirujuće.....super kombica za posao...odlična grafika heart

maca1974, 12 years ago

hvala cure smile

crvena987, 12 years ago

wooow, prelijep eelegantni look...lijepe boje, i odlična grafika♥

LadyDelish, 12 years ago


maca1974, 12 years ago

hvala smile)

madlen2931, 12 years ago

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww.........predivan elegantan set,odlične sive pantalone tole,predivna plava tunika i kaput,mrak cipelice i odlično uklopljena grafika heart

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