Merry Christmas to all!,

collection Otoño/Invierno 2023Christmas, 9 months ago
by herasdarne
Merry Christmas to all!,- Fashion set
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Comments (9)


lemo, 9 months ago

splendid my dear ,i wish you "HAPPY NEW YEAR!"heartheartheart

BeBeauty, 9 months ago

Merry Christmas dear (belated) ♥♥

zoloto, 9 months ago

A perfect combination of colors that blend flawlessly with each other!

siriusfun, 9 months ago

Very lovely!!! Merry Christmas to you!!

Evgeniya7, 9 months ago

I really like your set! ❤️

JelNik, 9 months ago

Beautiful winter look!

dehti, 9 months ago

Boas festas querida!

Almadiana , 9 months ago

Merry Christmas to you!!!

neverorever , 9 months ago

So beautiful heart

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