Coleção Outono 2012

collection outuno/inverno 2012Autumn, 13 years ago
by Performance Maria de Fatima
Coleção Outono 2012- Fashion set
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Comments (13)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Thank you, dear Selma, kisses.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Hello Sophie, thank you, kiss.

Sophie, 13 years ago

Love it heart beautiful..

Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Thank you, dear Petra, kisses.

PETRA78, 13 years ago


Performance Maria de Fatima, 13 years ago

Dear friends, thank you for your visits and comments lovable, affectionate hug.
Amigas queridas, muito obrigada pelas amaveis visitas e comentários, afetuoso abraço.

varromanos, 13 years ago

Amei, perfeito...

matea djakovic, 13 years ago

love red smile

Tina Jurković, 13 years ago

wooow heart
excellent combo

Lady Di ♕ , 13 years ago

Love maxi skirts, great style!

madlen2931, 13 years ago

obožavam crveno,predivna suknja,super set heart

maca1974, 13 years ago

beautiful set...excellent combo...elegant and feminine...nice skirt and T-shirt smile

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