Age is just a Number !!

collection Spring/Summer 2018Summer, 7 years ago
by Kate O
Age is just a Number !!- Fashion set
01 AUG 2018 ~ Have always been told I don't look my age. Always took it as a compliment, now I am not so sure !! Ha,ha,ha !! ;D

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Comments (13)


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Kate O, 7 years ago

Like everyone, some days I feel Young and others no so young !! I take my days one at a time !! =0)

Renita , 7 years ago

I love this outfit, everything about it! Remember, you're as young as you feel!

Kate O, 7 years ago

Such Sweet Friends I have !! Thanks for all your wonderful comments !!
Cindy Pete
Bev Martin
Doozer ~ My grandkids love that I don't act my age !! We have so much fun together !! XXO
Niwi ~ xoxo !!

Niwi , 7 years ago

Love this Kate, so perfectly graphic and matching! smile

Cindy Pete , 7 years ago

Perfect!! Age is just a number and I'm never going to act my age smile'

Bev Martin, 7 years ago

Fantastic! I totally agree with your title!

Doozer , 7 years ago

You are only as old as you feel Sweetie!!! This is fabulous, I love this look!!! XXO

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thanks Bunches !!
Nads ~ Hugs !! Thanks for the B-day wishes !!

Nanni33, 7 years ago


StyleBeginner, 7 years ago


Nads , 7 years ago

Lol,Totally agree! Happy B-Day!! Perfect set!

beautifulplace, 7 years ago

Perfect look, dear!

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