It ain't my fault

collection Spring/Summer 2018Everyday, 7 years ago
by Renita
It ain't my fault- Fashion set
Just sayin, it's not my fault that it's too cold in June for the beach!! LOL

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Comments (19)


neverorever , 6 years ago


haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Bev Martin, 7 years ago

Fabulous! Love the yellow!

sharee64, 7 years ago

I would sooooo wear this!!!! Perfectly put together summer look

dressi, 7 years ago

gefällt mir sehr gut!

herasdarne, 7 years ago

Nice set!

Doozer , 7 years ago

LOVE this look!

Irma 831, 7 years ago

Very lovely!

JecaKNS, 7 years ago


Renita , 7 years ago

@stardustnf I believe you! It has been so cold that I keep thinking it must be Fall and winter is coming! LOL

beautifulplace, 7 years ago

Perfectly done!!!

asia12, 7 years ago

So lovely!

shortyluv718, 7 years ago

super pretty outfit for summer!

stardustnf, 7 years ago

Would you believe we had snow the day before yesterday??!! I kid you not. Love the set, though!

Kate O, 7 years ago

Terrific Set !! Here in No Cali we have been running our A/C !! =)

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