Just something about her !!

collection Spring/Summer 2018Summer, 7 years ago
by Kate O
Just something about her  !! - Fashion set
09 JUL 2018 ~ This image reminds me a of friend from work. I only saw her once with makeup on and she was drop dead gorgeous !! Tiu could have been a Model, but, she was totally unassuming and did not believe she was pretty, let only beautiful !! She was a "Natural" Beauty, inside and out !! Sadly, she died of Cancer at 42.

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Comments (15)



haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


Niwi , 7 years ago


Kate O, 7 years ago

@Renita ~ Thanks Dear !!

Renita , 7 years ago

What a sad story Kate. Gorgeous tribute set!

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thank You My Friends !! For some reason I thought about Tiu when creating this set !! It was really sad when she passed away, she was such a Beautiful Woman !!
@Cindy Pete
@Aida Susi Silva
@Selma Mujezinovic

@Niwi ~ xoxo !! Yes, she was so young and left behind Heather her 14 year old. Her husband stepped up and did the right thing in the end, but, he put her through a lot of pain with his cheating. So sad !!

Cindy Pete , 7 years ago

Simply stunning and what a wonderful way to honor your late friend.

Aida Susi Silva, 7 years ago

Beautiful set! A beautiful tribute to your friend! xo

Doozer , 7 years ago

That is so sad Sweetie. Lovely set. Hugs

Niwi , 7 years ago

So young, how sad...
Pretty combo sweetie !

anny951, 7 years ago

Perfect !

shortyluv718, 7 years ago

beautiful red and black!

Selma Mujezinovic, 7 years ago


mararivel, 7 years ago


vespagirl, 7 years ago


beautifulplace, 7 years ago

Amazing set, dear!!

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