All in a Days Work . .

collection Spring/Summer 2019Work, 6 years ago
by Kate O
All in a Days Work . . - Fashion set
14 MAR 2019 ~ It has taken Centuries for women to take off the apron, step out of the kitchen and into the Corporate world. Time and again we have proven we are as savvy, smart, dedicated and motivated as men. Some of us have reached the top and even broken the glass ceiling, unfortunately, there are still too many "Old School " men who think we don't deserve to be in positions of power. These are actually little men, still threatened and very prejudice !! Sorry Guys, we aren't going back...

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Comments (7)


haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Niwi , 6 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Hugs and Thanks Vero !! I agree, we do need to stay alert and not take for granted the hard work of those who came before us. If we do, Arrogance and the feeling of Entitlement will be our downfall !! Never aspired to be a Corporate Executive, just wanted to have a decent life with a few perks along the way !! =D

Niwi , 6 years ago

So true Kate ! And women should stay on alert and not thinking what they've finally got by hard fight is granted.
Beautiful set also smile

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thank You Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ To be quite honest, I haven't met very men who are not "Macho" or are really comfortable in there own skin, as you said. Most men are threatened by what we have achieved. They don't mind that we work to supplement their income, but, they do not want us to make more money than they do !! Their ego's are so fragile that they sabotage relationships. This is from my own experience, as well, as my daughters. Makes you wonder why so many !!! A mystery that may never be solved !! =D

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

great styling and colours. very beautifully designed set. perfect in every way ♥

Michelle858, 6 years ago

The men you speak of are not comfortable in their own skin. Wonderful outfit, Kate O heart

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