
collection Spring/Summer 2019Summer, 6 years ago
by Doozer
Funny- Fashion set
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Comments (14)


Gianoula , 6 years ago

Nice and funny at the same time.

beleev , 6 years ago

Fascinating Dear !!!!!!! xoxoxo

cilita , 6 years ago

Fantastic set sweetie!!!

Bev Martin, 6 years ago

Fun, flirty, and totally fab!

haikuandkysses, 6 years ago

Awesome! heart

Incogneato, 6 years ago

No fly zone! Ha! What a great, wild set ... yet still is very chic!

beautifulplace, 6 years ago

What an amazing and fun set, sweetie! ❤️

peewee PV, 6 years ago

fantastic fun

Ljubacelo-Ljiljana Radisavljević, 6 years ago

So sweet!

Kate O, 6 years ago

Yes Indeedy !! Very Funny !!

neverorever , 6 years ago

GORGEOUS smile))))

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

so cute and fun ♥

irish-eyes-were-smiling ♥️ , 6 years ago

Superb dear! XOXO ♥️

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