Backyard Paradise

collection Spring/Summer 2020Summer, 5 years ago
by Kate O
Backyard Paradise - Fashion set
07 AUG 2020 ~ who needs to go anywhere when you have Paradise in your own backyard ??

Have an Awesome Weekend !!

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Comments (15)


Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Bunches !!

Diane1234, 5 years ago

Beautifully done!

Kate O, 5 years ago

Niwi ~ I will trust your judgement and not worry !! If all else fails take cool/cold showers !! LOL !! xoxo

Kate O, 5 years ago

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !!

Doozer , 5 years ago

This is so pretty Sweetie!! XXO

JelNik, 5 years ago


Niwi , 5 years ago

Oh don't worry sweetie, you know I've got my inside paradise home and I'm rather fine into my flat with temperatures : warm be bearable, compare to outside. Too hot for going anywhere for me, even to the forest ;-)

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks ever so much Sweet Friends !! Everyone deserves a place to relax and renew . . .
Niwi ~ I hope you find your paradise spot soon !! Take a picnic to the woods and commune with Nature !! Hugs !! xoxo

HalfMoonRun, 5 years ago

Very pretty styling. Beautifully inspired set.

beautifulplace, 5 years ago

What an adorable look and beautiful set, sweetie ♥

Michelle858, 5 years ago

A pretty dress for a walk in a beautiful summer garden !

Danijela , 5 years ago

charming ♥

Niwi , 5 years ago

It's lovely and looks so fresh ! Absolutely what I'm needing right now smile
Hugs sweetie ! xoxo

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks so much !!

justmetwo, 5 years ago

Fabulous,love the colors ♥

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