February 15th ~ Love You Mom !!

collection Spring/Summer 2020Spring, 5 years ago
by Kate O
February 15th ~ Love You Mom !! - Fashion set
13 FEB 2020 ~ every time I see, work with or wear any shade of Purple I feel close to my Mom !! She adored Lavender & she had her bed & bathroom in that color.
Oh the things we remember when our loved ones are gone. Miss You so Much !! heart heart

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Comments (14)



Kate O, 5 years ago

Big Hugs and Thanks !!

neverorever , 5 years ago

So Beautiful color and all...Bag,poncho ,shoes and skirt are Splendid :D

Niwi , 5 years ago


Kate O, 5 years ago

Yes, She would love the colors !! I am thankful I have such wonderful and loving memories. It makes the loss less painful, as does time !!
Hugs Sweet Friend !!!

Niwi , 5 years ago

She would love this I'm sure. We are lucky to get those memories, even if it hurts a bit sometime. xoxo

Kate O, 5 years ago

Gianoula ~ Thank You Sweetie !! For the nice comment !! On both my parents special days I get sad, but I have such wonderful memories that helps me through the day !! Hugs !!

Gianoula , 5 years ago

Wonderful feminine and elegante set. heart I love the text under your creation, so sad, but full of love heart

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Sweetie !! Hope your Day is Lovely !!

beleev , 5 years ago

Gorgeous purple !!!! Love all your Sets !!!! Happy Hearts Day !!!!!! xo

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thank You Lovely Ladies for your Kind words and comments !!
HalfMoonRun ~ Guys too !! =)

justmetwo, 5 years ago

Set,outfit & words are all beautiful smile

beautifulplace, 5 years ago

So lovely words for your Mom ♥

beautifulplace, 5 years ago

Wow, this is so beautiful & charming!! Very lovely colors♥

HalfMoonRun, 5 years ago

Very feminine styling and beautiful shades of purple. Charming set and very touching words.

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